At Florence, sustainable, responsible manufacturing, sourcing and humane treatment of factory workers is fundamental to our business philosophy.
When selecting our partners, apparel performance and quality is important, but ensuring they are making the best decisions for their workers and the planet is key. Does the factory convert their floor scraps into recycled textiles? Are they capturing rainwater in low precipitation regions for smarter water usage?
Does the factory use smart patterning to minimize fabric waste? Outside of good working conditions, are workers provided additional education programs or perks that enhance their life and the surrounding community?
Like most brands, we don’t own our factories, but we do have the ability to ask the right questions, make the right choices, and be deliberate with the partners we choose to make our clothes.
At Florence, we believe that responsible manufacturing and sustainable business practices go hand-in-hand with exploration. We know our gear has to perform, but if that jacket or shirt is made in a way that harms the planet, it’s directly affecting the places we explore.